Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tips & Trick - How To Change Your Handphone Sim Card Quickly

Dear friends,

Some of you might share the same problem as I do.
I have to change my sim card frequently because my friends and my girl friend uses different sim card.
Surely, I can call or sms her using my regular sim, but it'll cost a fortune.
Using a new sim is a hassle too, because I have to inform all my contact about the new number.
There's also a chance that of some old friends that not listed in my contact won't be able to contact me forever. Duh >.<

So, for now, my best option is to change my sim whenever I need to contact my GF.
Here's how to do it quickly (otherwise, you'll have to reset the time and date on your mobile because the power lost for some time) ^^

Step one:
Prepare your mobile and the new sim (warm up your hand if necessary ^^)

Step two:
Open the battery cover

Step three (must be done quickly):
Take off the battery, open the sim housing, shake the sim off, insert the new sim, and place the battery. Fiuh...

Step four (no hurry this time :)
Close the battery cover and make your call ^^

Note: It gets easier every time you do it. My record is 3 seconds, beats me ^^

Other considerable option:
You could buy the dual sim mobile or the one with slide-in-sim feature.
It's quite cheap these days, since the Chinese brands are flooding the market (no racial intention ^^).

Now, make that call and have a nice day.
Thanks for reading ^^

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